Our salary guide offers you the latest insight on how salaries have changed over the last year. Ranging across the world of office roles within business support, technology and accountancy & finance, we've got the market covered.
If you are looking to hire, then why not take a few minutes to benchmark the salaries you plan to offer, to make sure they are in line with the market. Compare the impact that covid has had on salaries across the country and make sure you secure the talent that your business needs.
If you're looking for all salaries across all sectors, please download our full guide here and at the top of the page. Otherwise, below we have broken out the individual salary ranges for each industry. Just click the button you want to know more about.
Browse salaries for job titles across the entirety of the UK. From Admin to Facilities and Professional Services to Sales and Marketing. If you have any queries we'll be happy to help, just ask.
Data Scientists, iOS developers, security specialists and more are created every year. Our guide highlights some of the vast changes in pay from 2020 to 2021 and the spread across regions. Are you paying enough, or too little?
The coronavirus pandemic has forced a digital revolution with thousands of working from home jobs generated during 2020 either as an adaptation of current jobs or whole new role entirely.
What this has highlighted is a clear divide akin to Darwinism, where those prepared have thrived, and those not have been seen to struggle. Demand for digital workers and skills involved have therefore increased, as hiring practices are made easier with geographical barriers reducing since 2020.
With a potentially larger talent pool now available, businesses have more potential for more efficient hiring practices, despite the need to adapt to online hiring methods.
Some of the fastest-growing jobs roles available include:
Software Developer +8.8%
Marketing Assistant +6.5%
HR Manager +4.5%
Loan Admin +4.9%
Sales Manager +5.5%
In comparison to the West Midlands, where technology-based jobs' salaries averaged a decline of 2.4%, the east sees average salaries increase by 8.8%. This is a similar story across the rest of the UK, where average increases are under 2%, still growth, but nothing compared.
Conversely to the trend for technologies in East Midlands, in Accountancy and Finance the West Midlands area sees highs of a 9.2% increase year on year for Accounts Payable Clerks, and an average of 7% across all these types of roles. The east, however, sees a peak of 7.3% increase in 2021 for Credit and Collection Managers but an average increase of only 0.7%.
London has for many years been seen as an unwieldy behemoth of business and opportunities. With higher salaries coming hand in hand with higher living costs and rent, the capital city has long been a source of aspiration as well as frustration. But is this focus on London as the hub for work and growth a bubble that’s about to burst?
One of the key changes many companies will have had to oversee during the pandemic will have been the shift to remote working – setting employees up to carry on working while social distancing at home. However, it’s not necessarily been plain sailing...
Human talent should be at the centre of your mission not just to survive, but to thrive in 2021. By teaming up with a dedicated, experienced HR partner, you can drive efficiency and get maximum value from your employees through effective workforce planning.
Remote working for multiple months, and for many now crossing the yearly mark has, over time, generated new sentiments towards hybrid working. For some, the expectation to now be able to work from home at least part of the time if not all the time has risen up the list of job requirements.
The consequence to the traditional office has been an onslaught of regime changes and physical adaptations for space efficiency. Where 1000 employees could at one point occupy a space, now half that has become a realistic target, along with sneeze guards, walking routes, cleaning stations and more.
To some, this presents extra costs that potentially closing offices might outweigh, and for others are a necessary reality of the new world of work in order to operate effectively, or at all.
Our recent survey revealed globally, 78% would like to go back to the workplace partly or fully with the majority stating they would not feel safe unless colleagues had been vaccinated, revealing the barriers to returning to work, despite demand.
27% of the survey stated that working from home had developed feelings of loneliness or isolation, with 52% missing the interactions with colleagues. This sentiment is reflected in our recent Health and Wellbeing survey of the UK revealing, 46% had seen a deterioration of their mental health since COVID-19 and 23% seeing their colleague relationships decline.
Based on our aforementioned research, the impact of the past year revolves around mental health and adapting to change. A key controller of this in any business is the HR team to offer support and adapt the business to better work for employees.
Salaries for HR-related roles have increased by 2.6% on average across the UK. The North sees the greatest increase with HR assistant salaries up by 6.3% in the North East and an average increase of 4.5% across the North West.